ABM Greiffenberger Antriebstechnik GmbH

Германия, D-95615, Germany, Marktredwitz, Friedenfelser Strasse 24

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О компании:

ABM is one of the leading international suppliers of high-performing drive solutions and is specialized in the development and production of premium electric motors and gearboxes. Our products: asynchronous motors, bevel wheel gear motors, brake motors, drive motors for battery-operated electric vehicles, electric drives, electric drives for vehicles, electric motors, special-purpose electric-motors, frequency converters (drive technology), gearboxes, geared motors, geared motors with electronic control, helical geared motors, helical gears, hollow shaft drives, mitre gears, motors with planetary gears, power transmission devices, shaft mounted gear motors, shaft mounted helical geared motors, single-phase AC motors, synchronous motors, three-phase motors.

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