InterRail Logistics GmbH

Германия, г Франкфурт-на-Майне, D-60388, Germany, Frankfurt, Voltenseestrasse 2

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О компании:

Railways transports to and from Europe, CIS, Central Asia and China Core business: worldwide container transports from and to the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. International branch offices located at the most important traffic hubs. InterRail Logistics – to connect the CIS with the rest of the world. Our strategic objectives: - Expansion of container traffic Europe-Far East (in particular with China, Japan, Korea) via the Trans-Siberian route - Expansion of intermodal transports sea-rail on the routes North America-Europe-Asia via Russia - Increase in commitment to global transport chains in cooperation with capable partners - Development of strategic partnerships with leading players of the Russian/CIS railway market - Development and introduction of standardised service packages with innovative application of IT solutions (such as electronic bill of lading, EDP-based customs clearance) - Further improvement of service quality by promotion of modern block train traffic, efficient use of sea port and railways terminals, and optimisation of our container pool management Competitive advantages: - Our intermodal approach sea-railway-road – this is how we can cover continents and seas from company to company. - The worldwide network and the strength of our parent company, the Swiss TransInvest group - World-wide container availability at short notice provided by a container pool at the mayor trans-shipment centres and intersections - Our close contact with customers, and knowledge of their requirements Our services: container transport services, freight transports by rail, multi-modal transportation services (rail, road, water, air), railway logistics, sea container.

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