P.J. Prause Durotec GmbH

Германия, D-59823, Germany, Arnsberg, Dieselstrasse 14

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О компании:

Paul Joachim Prause founded the company Schichtstofftechnik Prause in 1974, which changed its name to P.J. Prause Durotec GmbH in 1998. Previously, as a member of 3M Germany with its fibre composite ScotchplyTM, P. J. Prause had played a decisive role in the development of technical applications for composite leaf springs, in Germany and in Europe. Consequently, Prause Durotec now has more than 30 years of experience in the fabrication and application of springs made from fibre composites. Prause Durotec is a medium sized company with 16 employees and a worldwide client base. The range of products comprises all configurations of flat leaf-springs, based on E-glass, S-glass and carbon fibres, as a matrix combined with epoxy resins. The ud-prepregnated (ud = unidirectional) base materials conform to aviation and military standards. Leaf-springs from Prause Durotec are distributed under the registered product name of S-Ply®. Ready for installation GRP (glass-fibre reinforced plastics) leaf springs, CRP (carbon reinforced plastics) leaf springs as well as distance plates and glued assemblies are fabricated using optimum production methods. The size, shape and also mechanical properties of S-Ply® leaf springs are adapted to suit customers’ needs. Products: Carbon fibre components, carbon fibre reinforced plastics (cfrp), carbon products, fibre-reinforced composite materials, glass-fibre reinforced plastic (grp) leaf springs, glass-fibre reinforced plastic (grp) semi-finished products, glass-fibre reinforced plastics (grp), laminates of glass-fibre reinforced plastic (grp), leaf springs and flat springs, machine components of carbon fiber reinforced plastics (crp), products of fibre-reinforced composite materials, carbon-fibre reinforced semi-finished plastic products and more.

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