R. Ulrich & Co. GmbH

Германия, г Гамбург, D-21107, Germany, Hamburg, Stenzelring 21

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О компании:

R. Ulrich & Co. GmbH has been active in the veneer business since 1938 and today offer a range of services for every need. We have the knowledge, experience, technology and a well-developed logistics system to provide you with premiere quality veneers created from the finest raw materials that have been carefully selected and processed with the latest technology. We absolutely insist on controlled logging and continuous reforestation practices. That is why we work with suppliers who share these values. Like all IVC companies, we are FSC® certified. Our predominant long-standing customers trust our competence. They know that we are a medium-sized family company in third generation with a warehouse stock of about 10 million m? of about 60 types of wood and that we can respond fast, reliable and flexible to their needs. Furthermore we are founder member of IVC (International Veneer Company); an international company of medium-sized veneer specialists from Germany, USA and Italy that belongs to the worldwide leading veneer manufactures and traders. Those who look for quality and excellent customer support in the field of veneers and look for individual support and an international strength are right with us. Our products are: Exotic woods, rotary-cut veneers, round timber, sawn veneers, sliced veneers, special veneers, thick cut veneers, timber trade, veneers, wood cuttings, wooden construction elements and much more.

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