Sigma Laser GmbH

Германия, г Франкфурт-на-Майне, D-65929, Germany, Frankfurt, Sossenheimer Weg 5-7

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О компании:

Sigma Laser is a leading manufacturer of mobile and stationary CNC laser for industrial tool and mould making as well as laser deposition welding. Our long experience in the production of laser systems enables us to supply advanced technology and a high standard of know-how to our clients worldwide. Our staff possesses extensive experience in laser technology and in mould and tool repair. Following our guiding principle Top Quality for Customer Satisfaction” we position our systems in the market which are especially designed for laser welding. Our products: 3-D laser processing, 3-D laser welding, laser cladding (welding), laser machining systems, laser micromachining systems, laser robots, laser welding services, mobile laser welding systems, Nd:YAG lasers, solid-state lasers.

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